Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Use Somebody [Cover to Cover]

Okay, in this humble bloggers opinion, the most over covered song of the year was the Kings of Leon song "Use Somebody" so instead of subjecting you to a ton of posts, here's one jam pack wizz wham bam Cover To Cover post. I highly recommend NOT listening to all of them because lets face it, no one can stand to listen to this song eight times in a row. Then again, it's the week between Christmas and New Years and you're likely at work pretending to be productive, so maybe it would be a good use of your time. Wait, I know! Set them all off in 10 second intervals and it'll be like it's being sung in a round. Remember that from elementary school?

Matisyahu - Hasidic Jew and Reggae star, listen to this one if you're Jewish or know someone Jewish or are a Regaee star or know a Reggae star.

Nick Jonas and the Administration - Listen to this one if you're a female under the age of 16 or if you happen to be brain dead.

The Sing Off Contestants - Acapella, with a wide variety of vocals. Listen to this one if you've ever had sex with a peacock.

Ultrabeat - The "Club Cover". If you're wearing glittery pants at this very minute, listen to it.

Paramore - Chick driven rock. Listen to this one if you have a thing for redheads.

Pixie Lott - Haunting country folky styling here. If you dig that sort of thing, listen to this one

Bat For Lashes - Someone once described this genre to me as "Angry Cooter Music." If your cooter is angry, you've found your cover!

Cornell Chordials - More Acapella. Listen to this one if you haven't listened to any others, cause there are no more to choose from.

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