Saturday, October 30, 2010

Enter Sandman [#2 on the Halloween Cover Countdown]

So the year was 2004, I'm at a strip club for a Bachelor party with a few friends including the co-host my then radio show "Under Cover with Crut." I'm doing what one does at a Bachelor party inside a strip club, getting a lap dance when I hear the unmistakable introductory rift from "Enter Sandman." Except it's a little different, I think  ... it just might ... be a cover. I rack my brain trying desperately to figure out who's doing this Metallica cover, completely ignoring the naked woman gyrating her pelvic region mere inches from my face. It occurs to me that that I'm likely the only person on earth in a strip club right now, more concerned with a cover song than what's happening around them.

Then Ariel (that'd be the stripper) looks at me seductively over her shoulder and says "What's Lemmy doing? You know Lemmy? Lemmy from Motorhead?" By George, she's right! ...  I think I'm in love! Also there are two people in strip clubs right now thinking about cover songs.

Then the DJ gets on the microphone and makes an announcement that the first person who comes up and tell him who's singing this song gets free passes for their next visit. Okay, make that three people thinking about cover songs.

Almost instantly I see a blur go by in the general direction of the DJ booth and remember "Oh yeah, the Co-Host to my all cover radio show is here." Make that four. Four people.

What does that story have to do with Halloween? Damned if I know. I just thought it was a mildly amusing story. I guess Lemmy's mole is kinda scary. But "Enter Sandman" is a must have for your Halloween playlist. And yeah I know this is Metallica's second "appearance" on the Halloween countdown. I wanted to tell my stripper story and as long as I have a blog I will say whatever I damn well please!

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