For every good cover, there are 100 that suck, or in today's case 1000. I feel it's by job ... nay my duty to bring you some of these crappy covers from time to time because in the words of the great American philosophers Beavis and Butthead
, "If it didn't have a part that sucked, then it's like, the other part wouldn't be as cool."
So in what can only be described as a true taste of 1985, here's the Wrestlers
of the WWF
(now WWE
) covering Wilson Pickett
's Land of 1000 Dances. Mr. Pickett is no doubt spinning in his grave. I don't even know for sure that he's dead, but I stand by my statement either way. Sadly Hulk Hogan
and Andre The Giant
weren't involved in this song.
It's actually kind of surprising in a few ways ...
1) The Mouth of The South, Jimmy Hart
can actually sing.
2) I can name all but one of the wrestlers, 90% of the ones that are still alive are still making a living wrestling. The notable exception is Jessie Ventura
3) Yes, that is MeatLoaf
on drums ... who knew he could play drums? Obviously Cyndi Lauper was much more successful with her Rock and Wrestling Connection perhaps because she was smart enough to hide behind a wig and glasses for this video.
4) Where the hell's the Honky Tonk Man
? I mean ... com'on, this was made for him! (He actually made his debut in 1986, but still ... )
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